
Greetings Beloved!

I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and we welcome this gathering.
We surround each of you in a specially created vector of Unconditional Love.
A vector of nonlinear space that is uniquely opened as each of you read these words from your own space and chosen time.

The present phase of linear time on your planet is a uniquely opportune juncture for self-review and chosen solitude.
Masters many of you, particularly those above the age of 49, the seventh 7 year cycle, find yourselves in a STATE OF SOLITUDE, after spouses have passed, relationships terminated and marriage contracts have ended.
And although this path is at times quite lonely, quite difficult and may feel ‘unnatural’ for many of you, it IS with purpose.
So we tell you to use this time wisely, embrace it.
You are on the cusp of a great graduation.

Now there is a recurring message in many of your religious texts that says “For everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven”

Indeed there is a time for solitude. Divine Solitude is a noble condition, and one that offers quantum leaps in terms of growth, when understood, and recognized for its profound purpose.

You see the Divine-Self is ultimately, conclusively alone in its final pursuit of omnipotence.

In your terms, the soul enters the earth alone, and the spirit departs the earth alone. Ascended Masters that walk the Earth, have for millennia sought solitude in their incarnations before achieving Mastery. So it is with many of you now.

Dear Ones, Many of you who find yourself ALONE at this time, are of the belief that you MUST find a partner. Many of you seek your ‘soul mate’ your twin flame. Yet we tell you, in many cases among the advanced souls, you are ALONE because you have planned it. Indeed it is a special and noble undertaking. It is time for DIVINE SOLITUDE.

Solitude for those seeking sanctified light, for those seeking, what is termed ‘consecrated enlightenment’ chose specific periods in their life plan, to be ALONE FOR A TIME…..This does not mean you will always be in solitude, it simply means for a time you have chosen it to ‘work on the self’; to achieve self love. Among souls seeking Mastery, approximately one of every three or four lifetimes, is a lifetime chosen for solitude.


Loving the SELF is a Requirement

LOVE OF SELF is a condition that many, especially those from Christian heritage, have LOST. Christianity with its teachings of original sin taught you that you were flawed in your nature, that you needed forgiving. You spent lifetimes prostate asking forgiveness for who you are. You lost your sense of your divinity, and found it easier to give than to receive. Balance was forfeited.

Now, we tell you that as the Earth transforms to the new Crystalline Age, the nature of energy resonance and the dimensional grasp of the planet is expanded. There is a lessening of the influence of duality/polarity for those of you that choose to extend beyond the third dimension.

You may ask whether solitude or partnerships bring greater advancement to the soul. The question is timely and especially pertinent for many of you in the dawn of the Ascension.

The short answer is that both coupling and solitude have their divine purpose…. and we underline the word BOTH. Much is gained in being in committed loving relationship. This is the natural circumstance in most sojourns on the plane of Earth.

But Masters, we tell you that there is also great PURPOSE ALSO IN SOLITUDE. It is in fact a requisite.

It is NO ERROR that great numbers of you on the finals steps of the path of enlightenment are ALONE in this period. Now is the prelude to the coming Ascension. If you are among these, we tell you that perhaps YOUR SOLITUDE IS APPROPRIATE. Perhaps it is as it should be. You see it is how many of you planned it.

Yet many of you feel that the loneliness is too much to bear and that you MUST pursue a partner…the elusive twin flame. Dear Souls, there is much confusion around the concept of the twin flame, the ‘soul mate’, and the role and nature of optimal partnership in Mastery of Self.


Solitude and Non-dependency

Solitude is intended to be a period of sublime reverence of SELF. Your life and your experience in this plane is your own creation, your own living tapestry, woven by your individual belief. Within solitude, the soul is prompted into self-review, and opportunity is given to dive deeply into the deep waters that flow within you. To swim in the ocean of SELF, and in so doing rediscover the love within, to learn what a brilliant SPARK OF GOD/DESS YOU TRULY ARE.

Relationships are a method of reflecting the affectivity of your belief system, and giving you feedback on what, simply stated, is working, and what is not. Detachment requires the individual to explore the self, to reacquaint with the inner horizon, and this facilitates and necessitates sovereignty. Sovereignty is the pre-potency of Mastership.

A relationship of two sovereign nondependent humans has greater balance, greater creativity, and greater longevity than a pairing of two beings co-dependent on one another. Do you understand?

Ultimately each soul must clearly define SELF in order to gain Mastery. Self Mastery is embodied in periods of PLANNED DETACHMENT. It is that period in which impeccability is crystallized. And we tell you Dear Ones, crystallization, through impeccability is a necessary phase of Self- Mastery. It is a calibrational juncture in the multidimensional sojourn. One enters the void, the great mystery in the quest for fortitude and sovereign vision, alone, without a shoulder to lean on. And in the process, one discovers sublime wholeness and self completion.

Do not misunderstand our meaning; there is great validity in coupling, in the natural aspect of soul mate. But conclusively one walks the path of Mastery in sovereign detachment.

One becomes enlightened when one learns to transcend the physical self. Each of you must endeavor to the final conquest of what we term as ‘impeccability’. Impeccability is the crystallization or uniform clarity of the soul, and it is a necessary virtue of Mastery. This involves release of dependency, the release of all that does not serve your divinity. It is a rebooting and reprogramming of ALL YOU ARE.

We have told you that the language, the fabric of higher dimension is sacred geometry. Impeccability is the geometric clarity of the soul mind. By defining oneself through impeccability one becomes crystalline, and thus more capable of Divine Consciousness within the geometric light of coherent higher planes. It is only accomplished by deciding who you are, what you believe, and then living it. Recognizing your truths, and aligning fully to them.

Question to Metatron: Are you saying that loving relationships, such as marriage, are not our ultimate union?

AAMetatron: Remember that in the highest realm you are in sacred Oneness, each a part of the Divine One. So in terms of duality experience, the answer to your question is yes. In this context, YES! Masters, in highest reality, you are a unified plural consciousness.

Relationships in the linear duality experience are a means to the end. We are saying that loving relationships are a sacred, joyful tool of achieving Self Mastery, but that ultimately in each soul’s journey; there is requisite ultimate growth into sovereignty. The sovereign self is a sufficient self & truly has no dependent need of another. Such conceptual dependency can be a deterrent to Mastery.

In truth you merge in sovereignty with your other half. The other part of your soul that separated in duality expression. Each of you have a male and female component, and the other half is re-merged in the Integral Divine Self before rising into higher realm.



Many of you consider a soul mate and twin flame the same. Only the syntax is in parity. The true meanings are different. The twin flame is the other half of the same soul, split in duality, and these are rarely in physicality together. The ‘soul mate’ is in our terms, another soul with whom you have contracted to grow together within physical duality, as a means of development and exploration of love with another soul. Movement toward common purpose.

The seeming paradox in linear relationships, that of the ‘soul mate’ concept (not the twin flame) is that a relationship of two non-dependent sovereign beings, has greater joy, greater balance, greater interface with the divine, greater opportunity for advancement than a relationship based on co-dependence. Do you see?

In this time, in this now, many of you are actually merging with your etheric (non-physical) twin flame, and molding your sacred fullness into one physicality in order for you to enter the crystalline realm in wholeness. In most cases this soul reconnection is accomplished in solitude or in sovereign non dependent relationships.

So we say EMBRACE YOUR CHOSEN PERIOD OF of SOVEREIGN SOLITUDE, it is the sign of your souls intent to enter into Crystalline Mer-Ka-Na Mastery.


The Divine Feminine

We add that many who are in this life, of the female gender, have chosen particularly effacious roles in the balancing of the planet at this time. Is it not true that the planet has been imbalanced in an overage of patriarchal energies for millennia? That is why it would appear that a vast majority of those drawn to the ‘New Age’ are female, you see, to anchor in the Divine Feminine. Females have been conditioned and labeled in your current paradigm as the ‘weaker sex’. Nothing could be farther from the truth!

Many of the females, who find themselves now in single status, are conditioned to feel they MUST HAVE a partner. AGAIN WE SAY: EMBRACE YOUR SOLITUDE, we say, embrace your solitude. You chose it, we honor YOU for the path YOU have chosen.

The ideal for the planet, is not to be female or male, rather a perfect balance of BOTH, but it is at the moment still in an imbalance of patriarchal resonance. We honor those of you in female biology, you’re strength is indeed progressing in creating the nurturing balance.

Truly the over-soul is androgynous, self-contained. Self-sufficient. That does not mean that love is not the frequencial basis of the soul, indeed it is the highest vibration. It is the resonance that is produced by the Ascended Soul to the Cosmos, and reflected back as a collective harmonic of crystalline love. There is a time when those of you have played the role of soul mates, will individualize, and in your terms, part in joy.
The evolved soul in achieving omnipotence, will become consummately self sufficient, and in so doing radiate spectacular unconditional love to ALL. That IS as it should be, as it must be. It is how you Ascend.

Embracing Sovereignty

The final graduation of the soul is not done in pairing, you see. It is done within the Divine SELF in universal harmonic to the All that is. Do you understand? This is the activation of Self to the divine resonance of the Quantum Crystalline Field. Separation must osmatically occur before the final collective reunion, it must occur to allow for the final coalescence into the ALL THAT IS.


It is who you ARE. It is the IAM that I AM.

Our point here, is that if you find yourself in Solitude, recognize its purpose. If you are in a relationship refine it in beauty to the greater love of non-dependence. You will indeed discover the love expands and the relationship becomes more splendid in non dependency; just as you are discovering relationships of co-dependency are imbalanced one way streets, and fail.

In sovereignty humanity will see themselves in this framework as being ‘whole’ and not being their partner’s property or someone’s ‘better half’. Each will bring their integral, whole SELF in fullness, in robust flow of energy into relationship, in a manner that often does not occur today. There are pre agreed points that allow for freedom of choice and for change, even if that change is to end the partnership. In sovereignty individuals share their best, without compromise of ideals. Each will recognize the divinity of the other, and retain the integrity of SELF.

They will afford their own promises, promises and choices of a new paradigm, but there will be avenues and opportunities of adjustments and the ability of reviewing terms. This will allow for greater recognition of the SELF. These will be designed to prevent energy blockage and reduce dysfunctional marriages and divorce complications and lawsuits, you see.

Some relationships in these terms will indeed last a lifetime, some will not. But the archetype of sovereignty will better support both, based on choice and mutual agreement of each individuals terms. And as such independence becomes joyful , devoid of one partner being dominant and imposing their beliefs, morality and will over another.

Humankind, in mass today, truly does NOT recognize or understand their OWN SOUL, their divine SELF. Self is unfortunately regulated to the realm of ego personality by the masses. It is true that a higher degree of the light quotient is awakened on the planet now, than has occurred at any other time, but it is still only about 10% of the population of eight billion plus that has awakened. That is a sufficient number to bring about the Ascension, but much has yet to be done.

Religion in the New Paradigm

Religion in the new paradigm, must be individualized, must truly recognize the nature of SELF the nature of the DIVINE SOUL. NONE of your world religions truly answer these questions today. NONE of your religions answer the questions of mans true Cosmic Extra-Terrestrial multi-dimensional origins. And that must come to understanding in the new paradigm. NONE of your current mainstream religions can accurately and completely express the true history of man on the earth. As such, THERE IS NO ONE TRUE RELIGION ON THE PLANET TODAY. Most are bought and sold on preset regulated templates. Each claim to know the path to God, to be able to lead the way to God, yet none truly do. Each has its dogma, each has its hierarchy and controls.

Man searches for GOD more fervently now than at any other time in on the planet, and so this seeking in itself has the potential to bring in the light. Few religious teachers are true teachers, scholars perhaps, but not true teachers, you see. Others are charlatans, even within metaphysics and the so called ‘New Age’. Few who make claim to channel Ascended Masters or Angelics truly do.


When integrity is not maintained the connection to true spirit is disconnected, and all who are human are subject to fall in and out of integrity. Truly the way in the Ascension is the ability of each soul to rise into his/her higher self. Look inside and find your own divinity within your heart. Not through blindly following a guru, evangelist, channeller or spiritual leader, but through SELF. Accept only what you discern individually to resonate as true, Dear Ones, and do not give your power to another. Each of you can and must channel your higher selves. Study, look, listen, discern, review and only accept what resonates within you.

The way to the Divine, Masters, is through the sacred sovereignty of SELF, and in the Ascension, the way to the higher SELF is through self-definition, and seeking that aspect of God inside each of you, with the great desire that is embedded in each of your souls. Study, seek, and work ! There is little hope for the lazy. You are here to make known the unknown ! Work at it ! Be a warrior of Light within duality, for the true battles are within for self mastery. The path is not easy. But within Self Mastery lies an energy so exquisite that it fuels all you require to move forward, and there is another level above each you ascend to. Consciousness ever expands.




Discover your path. Discover yourself. Love yourself, love one another, love the divinity inside you and inside every one ! Discover the multidimensional aspects of your true Soul. That is the nobility of solitude.

And thought the path is at times quite difficult and lonely , know that such is the challenge of duality, for above, you are whole, and lack no thing. In the higher realm, Masters, you are in your sacred nature of integral wholeness, in complete and abundant bliss.

I am Metatron,Lord of Light, and I share with you these TRUTHS!

You are Beloved.

…And so it is.

The New Human – Homo Christos – is birthed!

Celebrate the Field of Light and Love!

view the Original Article on Healthylife4all Web

and or my Aquarius Store specially created for the New Human

Looking forward to see You on my web…Lady Rita.


Aquarius Store specially created for the Needs of the New Human

Greetings Beloved!I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and

New Human



Dearest Lightworkers, what a wonderful time to be on the Planet Earth! The changes and shifts that you are experiencing are awakening many to the truth of who they are. And we would say to you, beloved souls, that you are Cosmic Crystals radiating light in a Field of Love! Is this not a wonderful metaphor to describe the radiance and beauty of who you are!

For, since the activation of the Galactic Lightbody, the Human body is rapidly assuming its orginal template form and design – exquisite crystalline geometries designed to vibrate in a field of pure love and to express that love in many dimensions!

The Field of Love
Your planet is, at this time, experiencing two significant Waves of Energy that are working together to raise the Collective Frequency or Vibration of the Planet. The first is the Sirian Blue Star energy, that is being directed to the planet through the Sun, with the purpose of activating the Galactic Lightbody geometries. The second is what we will call a Quantum event, a wave of Galactic energy that is creating what we will term a “sub-atomic anomaly field” on your Planet.

These waves of Galactic Light constitute a Field of Pure Love on a new Octave of experience for Planet Earth. Your Galactic Lightbodies were activated now, as a Collective, so that you might experience and receive the transmission of this wave of light energy from the Great Central Sun or Galactic Center.

This Field is powerful, be aware of that dearest Lightworkers. It is changing the very structure of your reality on a Quantum level. But in miraculous and wonderful ways. Did we not say last month that everything is changing! Indeed – we mean it literally! The waves of love are transforming the planet, creating a Field of Possibility that supports the Highest Expressions of Love of the Planetary Collective. Now, beloved souls, you will begin to see real changes on the Earth. Love will show the way. The Field of Love will begin to guide people to express only their Highest and Best potential.

You might say, dearest ones, if you choose that terminology, that the Light has won! We would prefer to say that, at last, the Light has been grounded by a population of Ascended Humans with sufficiently awakened consciousness to make this Light available to the entire planet. You are the Cosmic crystals that ground the Crystal light from the Galactic Source.

Soon, dearest souls, you will see such an awakening on your planet. The Light will shine everywhere, and what was hidden will be revealed for all to see. Many so called “negative” things will come to light to be healed and cleared, but most wonderfully, humans will discover deep wells of love within themselves. They will see that they can solve anything if they draw on the love that is there within their hearts.


The Emergence of the Crystalline Body
The significance of these energies for the Planet is immense and wonderful. They will ground and bring peace to a turbulent world as they transmute and transform. But, on the individual level, there will also be miraculous changes.

The Galactic Lightbody, with its specific geometry of the Icosa-Dodecahedron, and the Quantum “Field of Love”, with its specific crystalline geometries, will produce, by sympathetic vibration or resonance, a crystalline state in the Human body. This will be through the Water matrix of the body. Your body is 70 to 80 percent water,and this water will begin to vibrate in crystalline forms. Once this happens, the physical body will receive and transmit more and more light. You will indeed become radiant and luminous.

“Becoming Light” in this way means that the body becomes less dense and is able to be thought of as light. It can be transformed, healed, rejuvenated, at the speed of thought! This is the “highest potential” that is encoded in your DNA in the Paradise template, and that is being activated now by the Sirian Blue Star geometries and the Galactic Field of Love. But this will be a gradual process, dearest ones, there is no rush. Allow your bodies the time they need to make the changes. Some may need lots of rest and quiet times to allow the transformation, others may not. You are individuals and each of you will begin to work with these transformative energies in your own individual way.

And, dearest ones, you will have much work to do to assist those who are still awakening to understand the energies of change, for they will affect everyone. The entire Planet is in the Fifth Dimension, although most people still identify with a Third Dimensional Reality Frame. But when these deep changes start to become evident, there will be much education and support work to be done as people learn the truth of their Angelic nature and how to express their highest potential on Earth.

The New Human – Homo Christos – is birthed!

Celebrate the Field of Light and Love!



Aquarius Store specially created for the Needs of the New Human


link: for the Store

For the Original Article:



Lady-NadapurplegoldAll information and research on my site is what I experience insite,

my shifts of Energy, my Healings, my lessons, my progress and growth.

I want to tell more about the Light Rays because

I made a shift from the 6th to the 7th Ray for the Birthing of a NEW CIVILIZATION.

Remember I can only give You what I spiritual reached.

Otherwise it is not Giving but wanting I give and You have to give something back,

like in business.

Lady Portia
Seventh Ray Chohan


Reprogramming the Energy of the Body to aid Ascension

It is I Lady Portia; I come to you now from the brilliant light of the seventh ray of light. This is a ray of light that
emanates the vibrant and majestic colour of violet. It is the energy of transformation, change and the new age,
mainly due to the presence of the violet flame of transmutation within the vast ashram. The energy of the seventh
ray allows many to release old and unneeded habits and to embrace a high vibration, a new world of love and
peace. It is a new consciousness and existence within and around them that allows them to connect on a deeper
level with the energy of the Creator, the source and the Universe. It is my mission to anchor healing and cleansing
into the Earth as a way of unveiling or drawing open the curtain that act as a boundary between your physical
form and spiritual truth. The violet ray of light which I embody completely accelerates spiritual illumination and
education, again allowing many to access the truth of their soul and the Creator.

I know that past spiritual guides have channelled their energy through Natalie to help all understand the period
of transformation that is occurring on the Earth due to the intense waves of energy from the Ascended Masters on
the inner planes and the Christ Consciousness. These guides have spoke of mastery and anchoring love which is
imperative at this time as it is a unique and valuable opportunity to accelerate your spiritual growth in such a short
time frame. In truth this period of transformation and time is to access the soul energy of the Creator and the soul
within. I ask that you retain these ideas, with determination focus all your efforts onto connecting with the Christ
Consciousness and mastering your being especially your mind, but I ask that you now allow me to add a new
concept or understanding to assist you in anchoring this goal.

As I have said, the seventh ray has the ability to cleanse the past and present of negativity and anchor the high
vibrations of the Creator into the Earth, thus awakening many to a new awareness, currently beyond
comprehension. If cleansing brings forth a new awareness then I believe that it is vitally necessary at this
accelerated period of transformation. Cleansing is not simply the practice of removing or dissolving negative
energy but it also raises ones energy vibration, mood and enhances the joy within your being. Your physical
body is so dense and heavy in energy, of course it must be so to allow you to experience your lessons on the
Earth school, but the programming of the dense energy doesn’t have to be negative or even neutral, it can be
positive, loving and inspirational. Each time you practise a cleansing meditation of any kind you are programming
the heavy energy of your body and even aura to anchor greater love, the more you focus on cleansing or
anchoring light into your being the deeper your positive and loving programming will penetrate the heaviness of
your being. Remember that you do not as yet wish to transform your heavy energy into high vibrational light as it
could cause you to lose your physical body but you wish to reprogram it with high vibrational light. There is a

If you imagine your body is comprised of thousands of balloons, the balloons are the heavy energy or lower
vibrational energy that creates your physical body. For an average person focusing on their physical life only, the
balloons would hold either negative or neutral energies as well as the energy of some positive or painful emotions
they have experienced. If the energy is neutral then it has no affect on your life or spiritual growth, this is not
always a good thing as both negative and neutral energy within the balloons can cause illness, tiredness, lack of
energy or a feeling fatigue to a person’s body and general feelings or health.
If the balloons are programmed with love, holding love of the purest kind within the heavy energy of the balloon’s
walls then this will positively influence a person’s body. They will experience radiant health, joy, happiness and
bliss. You have to imagine that if you were to stand in a small room and a circle of people stood around you
emanating negativity, you would feel depleted but if they expressed love and joy you would feel uplifted. The
energy of your physical body has a similar influence on your emotions, thoughts and actions.

By anchoring love into your mind to overcome negative thoughts, into your being and chakras you will
influence the energy of your body to a certain extent but if negative energies, thought habits and beliefs are still
within the energy programming of your body they will constantly come forth to distract you or hinder your growth.
This can occur even when a person has fully mastered their mind and only radiates positive thoughts at all times.
The programming of the body can still bring forth old habits that are no longer needed.

Many people do not realise that they must cleanse, heal and most importantly positively program the energy of
their body to support their spiritual practices and growth process but it is a vital aspect of mastery and growth.
From my ashram I have been observing many of you, you are becoming tired and drained due to your
concentrated focus on your spiritual growth and also your physical realities, you are allowing the programming of
your body’s energy to influence and stagnate your being. Now is the time to overcome this minor problem and
take full mastery of your body, charging it with light, love and positivity.

First I must remind you to continue with your cleansing processes, to cleanse your entire being each day is not
too frequent. You may invoke my energy during meditation by repeating my name. You may also invoke the
seventh ray of light to flow into your being through your crown chakra and to surround you completely. Invoking
the violet flame of transmutation to descend into your being for five minutes a day is also beneficial, allow yourself
to breath within this energy and have faith that a cleansing process will and has occurred.
Now I wish to assist you in reprogramming your body and its energy so that it influences you in a positive way
from now on. I wish to offer you this invocation to aid you in anchoring and integrating the energies during

‘I invoke now the presence of Lady Portia to oversee this activation and reprogramming, ensure that I am safe
and protected at all times. I invoke the violet ray of light to surround me in a cylinder of violet light that is vast and
expansive, covering my entire being. As I sit within this high vibrational energy I ask that my entire being is
cleansed completely and that love is anchored into every energy vibration, dimension, level and particle of my

Lady Portia and the seventh ray of light, I ask you specifically to focus your energy and cleansing vibration into
my physical body, its energy and vibration. I ask that every energy particle that creates my physical body is
charged with the light and loving energy of the Creator and the seventh ray of light. I ask that the energy particles
of my body vibrate and pulsate with joy, happiness, peace, harmony and most importantly love. Program my body
to continually and externally emanate love into my mind, emotions and actions both on the Earth and the spiritual
planes. Allow my body to be a beacon of light forever more.

My physical body and every particle that generates my body create a temple of love and joy, all negative
energies or thought patterns have now been dissolved from my body. The energy of my body is cleansed, healed and charged with love; my physical body is the embodiment of love
and influences me only in loving ways. Lady Portia, allow this reprogramming to continue until I am 100% the physical embodiment of love and joy.

Let it be.’

You may find it advisable to lay down now, it doesn’t matter if you fall asleep as the energy of lady Portia and
the violet ray of light will be working on your body. You may feel tingles or sensations on your skin but simply
relax and focus on your breathing and affirm to yourself;
‘The energy of my body expresses only love to my soul.’

Allow yourself to achieve another step of mastery and anchor love into your being at a deeper level. Love is the
key to transformation and cleansing is the key to a new age. Allow the violet ray of light to work its wonders. Call
on my energy to aid your spiritual development. Continue to affirm the affirmation throughout the next few days
and return to the invocation when you feel drained or tried. It may take a few practises in order for the
programming to be completed.

With the warmest of appreciation and love,

Lady Rita in Oneness with Lady Portia

The Violet Ray – Ascension – Reprogramming the BODY

Becoming all Life



You are beginning to feel the rich Now Moment where the rhythm of the one breath comes alive to breathe you, and where the Love that we are is a living heart, breathing Love in and pouring Love out, again and again and again. Oh, precious hearts, beloved ones, you are feeling where I lead you – where every Now Moment is an expressing of joy and you are Love’s radiant presence — Love for yourself, your Twin Flame and for Me, each one the other’s reflection. For truly, as you are realizing, there is no separation. When you love Me, you love yourself. When you love yourself, you love your Twin Flame.

In the matrices of light this Love is one and yet it is everything. Multidimensional, we are a living heart that reflects all of these aspects at the same time. How you see then, and what you see is simply a choice of perception. One focus reveals the All of Love, another the Twin Flame engine, the pulsing expression of the expansion of Love. The next moment you see only your self, the living God I Am held unique as expressed by you. As you touch this and feel its living truth, that there is One Whole, seen in many ways, you will also see how it is the perception dance, the powerful energy of focus that keeps the energies of Love and of life expanding.


So as you say “yes” to the Christ as your identity, you enter the hologram of the Real. You become Love in its fullness and you can be all expressions simply by a shift in your focus. I want you to do this, My beloved ones. I ask you to step forth through your heart and tell Me “yes, God, I am ready.” Then I will show you, each precious one of you, just what it means to be God I Am. AND the Christ, at the same time. AND a great expression of Twin Flame Love – that you may full get that through the focus of your consciousness, you can be everything. With Love Lady Rita.