Trusting Life


Many people live their lives through an unconscious undercurrent of fear that leaves them prone to feeling that life is unsafe in some undefined way, or that there is ‘something dreadful just around the corner’. Quite understandably these feelings make it very difficult to trust in the flow of life or to easily embrace change of any kind.

You might well imagine that it would be reasonably easy to identify the fearful or traumatic events that have created this patterning in the first place, however this is often not the case for several reasons.

Many of our most unconscious patterns are those that are handed on to us by our parents or primary care givers while we are very young. Often they are a part of the inheritance passed on to us through our genetic line. Also as young children we absorb information, feelings and beliefs straight into our unconscious mind without the ability to filter it that we develop in later life. Once we have collected the imprint in this way it is very easy for even the seemingly ordinary events of life to reinforce our inherited fears and establish them as ‘truths’ that we then carry forward unconsciously into later life and of course pass on in our turn.

If we take this a step further we can see that it is unlikely that any of our ancestors have escaped experiencing some of the more dramatic and trauma-creating events that life on earth has provided us with over the centuries. So in one way or another we all carry the imprint of fear and trauma associated with wars, violent abuse and natural disasters. It is not an uncommon experience for young children to be terrified of war, earthquakes, hurricanes, fires etc when they have absolutely no experience of these things at all. This is our collective imprinting system at work.

In the energy flow we are now experiencing on our planet many of these old patterns are currently being brought strongly into our awareness for release and transformation. This is of course a very positive process but can feel a little uncomfortable until we consciously recognise that this is what is actually happening. It is also important to keep in mind that until we have released any old fears that still vibrate in our own energy field it is all too easy for us to find ourselves resonating with the collective emotional body of humanity which still contains much fear in its data bank.
To help You with clearing these unwanted negative energies of fear, there is a wonderful flower essence ” feeling save” from Crystal Herbs, if you are interested just let me know i can order it for you and send it. Blessings, Lady Rita.


Clearing your Karma (Past Life) issues.

Yes, the energies are intense… there’s a full moon Scorpio Lunar Eclipse in 2 days! She’s here to dissolve your karmic & unconscious patterns…to get you re-focused back to what you came here for, what you’re really here for, your true Purpose. She’s here to help you shed those excess skins and return to What Really Matters and to encourage you to let go of those deep old bitter wounds that have enabled your self destructive behaviors. She’s helping you see your shadow- that thing that stalks behind you and leaves pain and chaos in your wake- turn around and face your darkness, see it, acknowledge it to let it dissolve. Those patterns, those “things that keep happening to you,” they are coming from you. You create your life. Look back at the deep wounds that created this behavior- feelings about money, the opposite sex, living space, health- where did they arise from? Don’t go into your shadow angry, that’s never worked before- go in with compassion. Be open to the lessons and the truths that arise, they are here to heal you.It’s time to be Diana the Huntress with those dreams of yours. Start chasing them, hunt them down. Stop worrying about others, they are each in the dreamland and the journey of their personal path. Just like in yoga class, when you’re too busy looking at what others are doing, you get distracted and fall over. Come back to you. It’s time to refocus/ recenter on the dreams that are being laid out for you. Follow your dreams, every whisper of them- home. Dive back in. Let your dream be your soul/sole focus- your dream is your true soul mate. It’s yours and yours only. Return to it. What you seek is truly seeking you. This moon illuminates your truth. It’s very much the year of the snake, don’t forget. We’re shedding skins, we’re only moving forward and upward (moving backward gets us in trouble with the snake energy) and we’re going at this alone. I am practicing Sally Kempton‘s Kali Meditation these days, I bow to Kali and offer the negative cloaks I wear, behaviors, patterns, etc to her flames. “Take them from me Goddess Kali,” and I offer these patterns/cloaks from my back that hold me back, keep me ‘stuck,” to her fire. I unpeel my layers to return to my true essence. “Lead me from the unreal to the real.” If there is one mantra for this moon, it is that. “Lead me from the unreal, to the real.” Let the truth be seen. The truth heals. It’s nature’s best medicine- truth- for truth is love and love is the highest healer. This moon is here to illuminate the truth. Nothing can stay hidden, don’t try to hold on to old self images, old lies you tell yourself about yourself. Nothing inauthentic can remain. This is the era of sustainability, but first sustainability starts with you. What are you running from? Turn and face it. There is no where left to run, and no where left to hide. Offer what simply “hasn’t worked” up to the Goddess. It’s time to get naked and offer yourself up to the Universe. “Stop running, child,” She says. “Have a little faith in me,” She whispers.
* Artwork “Moon Mystery” at the beginning of this Article : prints & cards now in store.
Meaning of the Artwork: A great tool to meditate on your wholeness at FULL MOON times. Or to send to someone who want to get pregnant. As In Egypt You give a Scarabee, it means NEW LIFE, Birth so is the Energy of this Artwork. (Original Artwork is already Sold)

Holistic Health “Releasing Illusion”



“Releasing Illusion”

March and the Energies of Pisces

The sense of being part of a major transformation in progress was very tangible during February. Many people have reported feeling rather disorientated and unexpectedly at a loss as to how to move forward in their lives, while others have found themselves caught up in a process of sudden and abrupt change. Underlying it all is a sense of waiting for the next wave of energy to carry us forward. That wave of energy will arrive in full force as the sun moves into Aries at the spring equinox on March 20th. In the meantime we have a grand opportunity to review what is complete, clear out the old and strengthen our foundations ready to move forward.

The End of the Zodiacal Year

The prevailing planetary influence during the greater part of March flows in from the constellation of Pisces represented astrologically by the glyph of the two fish connected together by a thread, yet apparently swimming in different directions. Pisces is the last sign in the zodiacal year and its influence tends to stimulate a clearing and releasing process of everything that is old, unfinished and incomplete prior to the beginning of the new zodiacal cycle, which will be triggered by the movement of the sun into Aries later in the month. This cleansing process is particularly important this year as there is now much greater potential for ‘new beginnings’ than ever before. This of course means that there is also a greater potential for deep cleansing and release of anything and everything that does not support that new beginning. So this is a month in which we may well find ourselves needing to review old unconscious beliefs and in particular to review those things that we have taken for granted as being just a part of life in a body or to out it another way, to review our illusions.

Pisces energy particularly affects the physical body so you might also find yourself plunged into unexpected physical cleansing this month. Certainly amongst the people we know there are many experiencing this in various forms, with accidents or a re-emergence of past physical issues a common experience. If this happens to be your experience remember to look for the deeper cause that always lies behind the physical effect. This way you will be able to take full advantage of the opportunity for transformation that you have offered to yourself.

Releasing Illusion

Pisces Symbol

In its highest form the watery influence of Piscean energy stimulates the fusion of the higher and lower self ultimately bringing about the end of the illusion of separation. This energy has been very influential on our planet over the last two thousand years, a period of time in which we have fully explored the illusion of separation from all angles and standpoints in our search for wholeness. As a result the illusion of separation has become deeply embedded in the fabric of life and also well established in our personal and collective data banks. For the great majority of us it has become something we unconsciously take for granted as part of experiencing life in a physical body. Even though we might know mentally that this is not true, at an unconscious level the illusion has persisted, colouring our experience of life and sponsoring limitation. However with the change in the patterning for life on our planet that took place at the end of last year this illusion no longer has any foundations to keep it in place, so as we swim in the watery energies of Pisces this month we can expect this old illusion, in all its many forms, to come more fully into our awareness for review and release. While this might not feel entirely comfortable in the moment, remember to celebrate, we have waited for this moment of release for a very long time and all is well.


The Dynamic Blueprint: Essence Review for the Etheric Body Combination

With so much change and transformation now taking place in the blueprint for life on our planet we are increasingly feeling the effect that this is having on our own energetic systems. Everything must readjust to allow the changes to reflect through every level of existence. At a higher level, where our energy bodies are more flexible and responsive this happens relatively easily, however at the denser levels of the mental, emotional, etheric and physical bodies it is a more challenging proposition because it takes longer for adjustments to be integrated. The effects of this process of change are currently particularly impacting the etheric body so it is important that we remember to nurture and support this aspect of ourselves as much as possible.

The etheric body is part of our subtle energy system, a vibrating web of energy that forms the dynamic blueprint for our physical body. Sometimes called the vital body it has a very important part to play in the creation of physical wellbeing since our vital life force energy flows in through the force fields of the etheric body for use in the denser physical body. With so much clearing and readjustment taking place at all levels right now our etheric bodies are having to work extra hard to keep up with the flow of change.

To help your body with the process you can take some crystal herb essences.

For questions about this You can contact me…Lady Rita.