Reconnecting to Mother Earth our Planetary Christbody Gaia

Reconnecting to Mother Earth our planetary Christ Body GAIA.

Dear people of my planet, I am Gaia, I Am joyous to call upon you today. I wish to congratulate you on the progress of your transformation due to the integration of your higher dimensional SELF into your first four chakras. I come to you now to assist you in recalibrating and integrating your Fifth, Throat Chakra.

As you continue your return to SELF, look not to see that which is grossly different. Instead, focus on feeling that which is subtly altered. You will see that as your body adjusts to the higher vibration, so does the world around you, for you are choosing the reality of Planetary Ascension.

You are choosing the reality in which we are ALL progressing together in harmony and peace into a vibration that is slightly above the one that we were just in. Because of your choice, you are slowly and patiently integrating the higher frequencies, increment by increment.

As our human and planetary bodies continue to transform from within, our physical “labor pains” will become more severe. One common human symptom is a chronic fatigue, which can only be alleviated by going into a meditative state and raising your brainwaves above beta and into alpha or theta.

You see, your fatigue is because the external focus of beta brainwave consciousness is becoming increasingly difficult for you to maintain. Your expanded mind longs for the higher vibrational FEEL of your inner world, and you seek the emotional balance that can only be maintained with higher brainwaves.

As you continue to integrate your Soul into your earth vessel, your “inner self” is increasingly becoming your “Higher SELF.” For this reason, no matter how much your ego tries to ignore your inner reality, your “Eyes of Soul” continue to see your higher dimensional, inner world superimposed on the external images seen through your “Eyes of Ego.” These overlaid images make you feel as though you are living in two worlds at once. Hence, your constant fatigue.

Your resting place is inside, where the higher frequency realities are not distorted by the third dimensional illusions. Inside the new YOU, you feel comfortable, calm, balanced and peaceful.

That’s why you want your inner world to expand to encompass your outer world. Unfortunately, if you “try” to “make it happen,” you lose your inner focus. In other words, you have to wait PATIENTLY to “allow” it to happen. Remember my ones; the path to illumination is paved with patience.

The flower will bloom when it is ready. The sun will rise when it is time. However, if you are patient, you will realize that slowly, bit-by-bit, the bud is steadily transforming into a flower, and the night is gradually progressing into day.

Meanwhile, the matrix for the 3D world is degrading more each day. Old habits and addictions in your outer life seem to be falling apart. All of your old “problems,” that have been repeated again and again, are returning for the “Grand Finale.” Happily, and much to your surprise, your reactions are different.

You can’t get quite as upset as you have in the past. Due to your familiarity with them, these difficulties are being seen as old friends. Hence, you can release the self-judgment and emotional “charge,” as a part of you—a part that expands more each moment—is viewing these conflicts through the detached compassion of your Eyes of Soul.

However, you may feel that you have no control over which “Eyes” you see through, and, hence, which reality you perceive. It is because of this that I have come to you to teach you how to intentionally open your Eyes of Soul:

First, close your physical eyes to connect with your inner SELF.

Find the Three Fold Flame in your heart, your ATMA of Wisdom, Power and Love, and gently breathe into it to gradually expand its glow.

As the glow expands, it enters and opens your High Heart, just above your physical heart.

FEEL your High Heart.

With a calm, steady breath, intensify the Flame of your ATMA until it rises from your High Heart all the way to your Third Eye.

As the Flame reaches your Brow Chakra, your alpha and theta brainwaves are initiated, and you begin to feel a deep sense of peace and calm.

Now, with your physical eyes still closed, OPEN your Eyes of Soul and “blink” a few times to clear your multidimensional vision.

With the multidimensional vision of your Eyes of Soul, take an “inside” look at your “outside” world

Hold the memory of this image as you open your physical eyes to see your external reality.

Close your physical eyes, maintaining that Eyes of Ego vision, to bring you “outside” into your “inner” vision.

Multidimensional Vision

With your multidimensional vision, simultaneously see BOTH your inner and outer worlds overlaid one upon the other.

With your physical eyes closed, hold that integrated image as long as you can in your “inside” world.

Now, open your physical eyes to see both your inner and outer worlds, overlaid one upon the other in your “outer” world.

Holding the Image

Through your OPENED physical eyes, hold the integrated image as long as you can.

Realize how the two vibrational realities co-exist in the same space/time.

Take a moment to allow your mind to accept your multidimensional awareness.

With practice, you will be able to see BOTH worlds simultaneously.

However, these two world, no matter how intermingled, are quite different. Through your physical Eyes of Ego, you see a reality in which your “problems” are perceived as dangers that must be addressed for the sake of your very survival. These problems create a sense of fear, which lowers your consciousness.

Conversely, through your higher dimensional Eyes of Soul you see a reality in which your “problems” are perceived as illusions. These illusions are mere products of the 3D Game that are trying to CATCH your attention and lure you into the net of fear. Therefore, a “problem” is perceived as an opportunity for you to awaken to the guidance of your Soul.

Take a moment now to choose to see through your Eyes of Soul, so that you can see your challenges as illusions.
Remember that your Personal Consciousness has created these “problems” in order to awaken you from a long slumber.
Now, choose to see also OUR planetary problems as illusions that our Planetary Consciousness has created to initiate a Planetary Awakening.
Release the CHARGE of ALL these challenges by thanking each and every “problem” for the education that it has offered, and bless each one of your “personal tribulations” as you say Good-Bye.

Give them each a final hug as you forgive them, and forgive yourself for having them.
Furthermore, forgive humanity for the conflicts that the Collective Consciousness has created, as you bless and release old memories of conflict.
Bathe your personal problems in Compassion and Acceptance, to allow your Soul to “find the solutions.”
Also bathe the conflicts of Earth in Compassion and Acceptance, to allow OUR Planetary Soul to “find the solutions.”
Remember: What is impossible for the ego is simple for the Soul.

KNOW that problems, actually the illusion of problems, are a component of the 3D Matrix.
ACCEPT and be COMPASSIONATE for your earth vessel self.
Understand, love and forgive the earth vessel that has served as your Grounding Point for this incarnation.
Now, ACCEPT and be COMPASSIONATE for the Collective Consciousness.
Understand, love and forgive all the discord that “others” have caused you.
KNOW that you, as well as the other members of the Collective Consciousness of Earth, have created conflict from your child ego/selves. The solutions will be found by your adult Soul/SELVES. UNDERSTAND that “problems” are an integral component of the 3D Game, so that you can REMEMBER to neutralize your emotional reactions to personal and planetary issues.

Even though the 3D Matrix is based on growth through resolution of conflict, YOU have grown beyond the need for that type of learning. YOU are ready to learn through Remembering your Multidimensional SELF. With the return of your memory, you are ready to blend the two realities, the reality of your ego and the reality of your SOUL.

With your Eyes of Soul, see the higher frequency world in gold, silver, aquamarine, magenta, red-gold, and indigo-violet.

At the same time, see the lower frequency world in red, orange, yellow, green and blue.

Temporarily lower the frequency of the higher vibrational realities at the same time that you permanently raise the vibration of lower vibrational realities.

Blend the two realities by integrating the higher vibrations with the lower ones.

In this manner, the two realities/two worlds have now become ONE, just as you and I, Planet Earth, have become ONE.

Dear ONES, I wish to deeply thank you for your service. Every time you heal your self with your SELF, you heal OUR planet as well. Most of all dear ones, remember that YOU no longer need to learn through conflict. You are ready to learn and grow through Divine REMEMBRANCE.

Awaken to your true SELF, Beloveds, and I, GAIA, shall awaken with you.

Buddha was asked,
“Are you human or Divine.”
He replied, “I am AWAKE,”

AWAKEN NOW! The dream is over.
The flower is blooming
and the new day is here—INSIDE of YOU.

In loving support,
Your partner,


In Oneness Lady Rita.

Aquarel painted to support the rainforest and the waters of our mother Earth.

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This Artwork is also used in one of our Card series “Sacred Union”

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